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Stone of Cold Fire alternate ending idea

TheLandBeforeTime.org Forums The Land Before Time Sequels Stone of Cold Fire alternate ending idea

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  • I got to thinking that this is the only movie where the Gang didn’t encounter Sharpteeth. I got to thinking, would the movie have been better if this had happened:

    1.) The kids somehow get to the Stone of Cold Fire before Pterano, Rinkus, and Sierra.
    2.) However, Rinkus and Sierra soon arrive and try and harass the kids.
    3.) Pterano tells them to stop it and to focus on the Stone. However, after realizing that the Stone won’t work, Pterano agrees to just call it off.
    4.) At that moment Mama Flyer and some others arrive.
    5.) Expecting to be punished, Rinkus and Siera quickly grab the five kids and hold them hostage.
    6.) Some Shraptteeth (dont’ know what type) would be nearby and Sierra would threaten to make good on his promise to feed the kids to Sharpteeth.
    7.) Mama Flyer and the others agree to let them go if they give the kids back.
    8.) Rinkus and Sierra plan to use the opportunity to escape, but, unlike their promise to free the kids at some distnace away, plan to drop them from the air to the Sharpteeth. Howeever, Pterano kind of figures that they plan this and sneaks after them to intervene.
    9.) They get into a fight. In the fight, Rinkus and Sierra toss the kids. Petrie is of course able to get free but the others fall. Pterano goes after them and is, with difficulty, able to get them to a branch. (Perhaps when he sees them fall with Sharpteeth below, he gets a flashback of what happened to his old herd and resolves not to let it happen again.)
    10.) Rinkus and Sierra come at them when they are vulnerable but are suddenly hit by falling debris from the erupting Threehorn Peak and again get blasted through the air and land somewhere safe, singed but alive.
    11.) Before the kids and Ptearno get into a pinch of being hit by the debris or falling to the Sharpteeth, Mama Flyer and that huge flyer arrive and help them out.
    12.) For saving the kids from Rinnkus and Sierra, Pterano gets his banishment reduced to five cold times.

    This way, Rinkus and Sierra could be more menacing at the climax rather than kind of pathetic like they were (which was unfortunate as they were rather menacing throughout the movie but very lame at the end, just baning that rock like idiots.) Also, it would bring Sharpteeth into this so that Sharpteeth would bother the kids in every movie.

    How about an alternative end credits scene with the Rainbow Faces on their UFO so that the audience could discover the mysterious nature of the Rainbow Faces

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